Florida Association of EMS Educators


  • 2020-05-17 07:39
    Reply # 8974501 on 8972850
    Anonymous wrote:

    Good catch Ann.   I don't think it will be a problem, as it is just a matter of Ina getting a clarification.   However, regardless of when the EO is lifted, we are dead in the water until our Clinical Sites open up.   Truth be told, I would be very surprised if that was before 2021.   We are already looking at the possibility of a "2nd" internship next year.  One for fire rescue, and one for clinical.


    I don't know why it posted me as anonymous.   Hopefully the clarification is sooner rather than later. 
    Last modified: 2020-05-17 07:39 | Matt Keeler
  • 2020-05-16 09:02
    Reply # 8972850 on 8970635
    Good catch Ann.   I don't think it will be a problem, as it is just a matter of Ina getting a clarification.   However, regardless of when the EO is lifted, we are dead in the water until our Clinical Sites open up.   Truth be told, I would be very surprised if that was before 2021.   We are already looking at the possibility of a "2nd" internship next year.  One for fire rescue, and one for clinical.  
  • 2020-05-15 07:51
    Reply # 8970667 on 8970635

    The latest update, if I’m reading it correctly, extended that EO to May 9th - but we’ve now also past that date. 

  • 2020-05-15 07:26
    Message # 8970635

    I just wanted to point out that the EO allowing training programs to use simulation for clinicals and lab hours expired on April 16th. Ina was going to try to get written verification that the order has been renewed, but as written it is no longer in effect. Does anyone else know anything different? We are still not able to return to our clinical site, and there is no sign of when that will happen. 

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